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The BIG Question

He had the willingness to do it. He had the brains to do it. He had the heart to do it. Nicholas Winton saved thousands innocent Jewish children from death by the hand the evil concentration camps of Adolf Hitler in WWII. If you don't think he's notable, think again. Put yourself in the shoes of the children he saved. Imagine and picture the freezing winter's nights when the chilling breeze cuts deep into the flesh of your blue cheeks, like a hot knife through butter. Your bed, the rock hard ground, your pillow, some pebbles lying about, and your dreams... nightmares. He devoted spare time to saving as many Jewish Kids from the deathly mind of Adolf Hitler and his rampaging army. Countless websites have been created to capture his greatness, writing about how he made his mark in history as a notable person. He has inspired hundreds people to make change for the greater good which affected millions of lives today. Do you really think he isn't a notable person now? 



I have scoured the internet to find trillions of websites, essays and other resources that have the best information about Nicholas Winton there is. To find the best sources that I needed looked for the information that had a common point that everyone would ask about their notables such as "how did Nicholas Winton save the children", this gave me straight answers to the questions I had so that I could write freely.  Since Nicholas Winton isn't very well known to most people there were a limited amount of websites compared to more well-known people such as Bill Gates, Elon Musk and Stan Lee. This means that it was quite a challenge to find the right information for certain topics, at first it was quite annoying but soon I began to sought out the reliable resources that gave me a lot of detailed text to base my idea's off of. Also, some other websites had totally different information compared to other websites so it was confusing which of them were really true. But I searched the up the authors of the articles and based my research off how reliable the authors seemed (TIP: Don't use Wikipedia). Only a handful of writers have come to mind when I think of a fantastic resource to base my info off of.  First off, Robert D. McFadden. Robert D. McFadden writes for the New York Times and has provided me with a detailed summary of Nicholas Winton's life. This summary includes his early life, his greatest feat and its effect on the world today. I also read an article written by the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, which provided me with all I really needed to know about Nicholas Winton's most glorious feat (THE RESCUE OF CHILDREN FROM CZECHOSLOVAKIA, 1938–1939). But the piece also provided me with snippets of his childhood and what happened after the rescue such as how he got knighted by the Queen (Elizabeth II)for his services to humanity which gave me the chance to fill in the blank background of the entire life of Nicholas Winton. 



Nicholas Winton saved hundreds of crime-less children from their demise with one colossal event… The rescue of the children from Czechoslovakia. He created the organization that saved thousands of lives by giving those Jewish kids a real home where they would finally fit in (no matter what). He and his fellow associates loaded dozens of children onto transportation devices such as trains which would safely get them into Britain (this was called the Kinder Transport) where foster parents would be organized to pick them up and explain everything that was happening. After Nicholas himself had saved as many kids as he could (669) he started to raise money for them so that they could have a better lifestyle growing up = food on the table, education, shelter and clothes. This shows how much he really cared about them all. In the end he raised 1 million euro's for those Jewish people in need, the money gave the essentials they needed to get along in life and to create more foster homes so that the was enough space for the children to live peacefully. For all of these actions in 2003 he got knighted by The Queen  for all his services to humanity. These were Nicholas Winton's biggest events in his lifetime. 



During Nicholas Winton's most glorious moment's he did have hardships throughout the process. For instance, saving the Jewish kids from utter extinction was something Adolf Hiter and the Nazis did not approve of. But on the other hand, Nicholas Winton didn't want to stop giving helpless kids a chance to live a proper life. Although he knew that he would be a huge target for the Nazis themselves he still tried his very best to help those who needed help desperately. But it was most likely that he was thinking of the target on his head for the Nazis to strike. He probably isn't just thinking about himself, but the people close to his like the kids and his collogues. But even though he thought these thoughts it didn't stop him in the slightest from achieving his goal... saving the Jewish race. 



Even though we know that Nicholas Winton dearly wanted to save as many Jewish children as he could, how did he come to think of that issue as a whole. Before he became a child-saving hero Nicholas Winton devoted his entire life into becoming a... banker (deflated voice). Yes, a banker. Counting stacks of money on a table was the complete opposite of what he did in the future. But then... It was December 1938 and Nicholas Winton was planning to go on a fabulous skiing trip, when Martin Blake begged Nicholas to cancel and come Prague instead. When he and Martin finally got to Prague Martin leaded Nicholas to a concentration camp filled with thousands of Jewish kids suffering terribly. Their faces were bony, and their skin stretched over their sullen expressions. A sea of black and white clothing spread from the outer wall to the center of the camp, Lifeless bodies were littered over the beds/solid ground. Nicholas Winton saw the whole thing as an absolute disgrace. He instantaneously devoted his free hours after working to helping those kids trying to survive being hunted down by the Nazis. This was how Nicholas Winton first got the influence to save and help all of those forsaken children. 



But why was Nicholas Winton's greatest feat actually a notable one? Well first off, is saving thousands of kids from an evil army leaded by one of the most infamous people to ever walk the face of the earth? The answer is no. With the help of his collogues Nicholas Winton established an organization to bring back as many Jewish kids to Britain so that they could live in a place where they would fit in. He really made a huge difference in the world by saving all of those kids, approximability 10,000 owe their lives to Nicholas Winton today. To elaborate on that, Since Nicholas Winton saved all of those kids (now adults) he is technically the one responsible for what they have bought to the world too because if he hadn't saved them from the concentration camps of Adolf Hitler, they wouldn't have been given the chance to express their ideas in the world, they would have been slaughtered horribly by either the gas chambers in the concentration camps or the Nazis themselves. Plus, he got knighted for service to humanity (his rescue of the children from Czechoslovakia), to get knighted (super high honor) you have to display a positive but major contribution to a cause of some sort. This shows that Nicholas Winton's greatest feat should be considered as a very notable one. 



Some people might think he got lucky in his life, but I think otherwise. Nicholas Winton didn't have so much as an ounce of luck throughout achieving his goal and saving as many Jewish kids as he could from the Nazis, but he didn't have any bad luck either. To accomplish his goal Nicholas Winton worked hard and devoted himself to his job, like Oliver with his eyes glued to the laptop screen typing, typing, typing (devoted). During the rescue there were no huge breakthroughs or downfalls there was only hard work. Nicholas tried his very best… and eventually it paid off. After all of his laboring he reached his goal and rescued approximately 700 kids from certain death. Do you think that luck would off gotten him that far? 



After all I have wrote you might be wondering what was Nicholas Winton like and what did others think about him? Nicholas Winton was known as a analytical thinker capable of incredible concentration and focus. He comes up with solutions to problems super quickly and likes to do research so that he can put intellectual puzzle pieces together. This shows me that Nicholas Winton is a very bright man that can get practical answers to problems in a heartbeat (this a great skill to have). But that was only the academic side of his personality. Nicholas Winton doesn't like to engage in conversation that much and likes to be left alone while in the middle of work so that he can concentrate more. He does things is own way and doesn't like to take credit in for his actions (humble). As for his faults, I personally think that he should be more expressive while talking or engaging in speech so that he can get his message across the entire world. Overall Nicholas Winton has a great personality. 



Nicholas Winton has inspired me on multiple occasions. Now when I'm about to give up on my goal I think of Nicholas Winton's most well-known quote "if something's not impossible there must be away to do it". This quote helps me push forward even though I have a low esteem and I eventually pull through. Plus, he has also inspired me to be grateful for what I have now. We are all so privileged to be here at this moment, we should be grateful that we aren't those who suffered and we should do our best to help those people in need (like how he saved those children with a target on their heads). I hope that his message spreads throughout everyone so that we can all help out each other when they are in need of help, you never know, maybe they will pay back the favor. 



A big connection I have had with the greatest feat of Nicholas Winton is that when my family tree still lived in Vietnam there was a war raging on (the Vietnam war) my family had to flee from Vietnam because after the war they had nothing left there. They boarded a small boat and sailed off to Australia my dad was only four when he set off for a better life with my grandparents and siblings. During the boat trip our family ran out of food and they slowly began to starve, like the hopeless Jewish children in the concentration camps. Then a Japanese fishing boat came to the rescue and saved my family from death, like how Nicholas Winton saved the Jewish Kids from death by the Nazis. The fishing boat bought my family to Australia so that we could live peacefully (True Story), like how Nicholas Winton gave the Jewish Children safe passage into Britain. 



In conclusion, Nicholas Winton is a notable person. He endured the hardships of WWII when The Nazis are hunting his down which would require lots of willingness. He saved thousands of lives by giving children a safe way right into Britain so that they could live a proper life. He devoted himself to working hard so that he could save as many Jewish children as he could. He has a great personality that has given him the gift to care for other so dearly that he will put himself in danger to save them. He has inspired me to become a better person. 



By Oliver 

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