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December 4th 1938 

Today I truly realized the horrors of the WWII when my friend Martin Blake (master at the Westminster School in London) asked me to cancel my skiing trip and to instead come to Czechoslovakia. Martin introduced me to his colleague Doreen Warriner so that we could set off to Prague to show me something that needed to change. What met my eyes was a disgrace to the human race! Thousands of Jewish people (even kids) were chucked off into concentration camps and left to die in the horrific conditions. These kids deserved a chance in life, these kids deserved to live, these kids needed a healthy lifestyle. From then on I devoted my spare hours of free time to give these Jewish kids the chance to have a proper life. 



January 15th 1939 

Our plan is coming along perfectly, the Jewish are safely being transported to Britain. But we're not done yet, our organizations sole purpose is to keep on pushing until we have gave it our all so that the kids of Czechoslovakia can have a better life, even if I have to put mine in danger. I've written countless names of the transported children so that they can be given a home in Britain. So far I've written down 372 names down thus, about 372 kids have safe passage back into Britain. I also have to work in my regular job in stock exchange. I devote myself to getting the helpless kids out of Czechoslovakia in my spare hours.  


March 27th 1940 

After two grueling years our organization has saved thousands of lives from certain death by the cruel grasp of the Nazi's. Now with hundreds of Jewish kids now safely in Britain it is my organization's and I's responsibility to take care of these kids by finding caring families that will love them and raising money for them so that they can get though their rocky start to their life. 


October 23rd 2003 

Today was one of the biggest milestones of my life. For I just got knighted! Queen Elizabeth II knighted me for  "services to humanity". I felt as if I had really made a big difference in the world, I felt as if I gave others a better chance in life, I felt that I felt worthy. I think that the children I saved from the Nazis made a difference in the world therefore I was responsible for the change they made in the world. I don't like to boast, but today I felt as if I should be proud of what I had done. 


July 1st 2015 

It has taken quite a while but I have finally raised approximately 1 million euro's from my fund-raising drive. This money will go into finding creating foster homes for the homeless (like the Jewish I saved) and providing them with enough food to get by.  I am happy with what I have done and hope that others follow in my footsteps. I work on the motto that is something's not impossible, there must be a way to do it. 

Diary Extract

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