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Who am I? 


To decipher who is the point of this rhyme 

We need to visit his greatest feat far back in time 


Rescuing hundreds of kids dozen by dozen 

Their faces depressed and emotions sullen 


Saving them from the cold hearted killer 

None other than the despicable Adolf Hitler 


Giving them a life, a chance to actually live 

Although he knew the Nazis would never forgive 


He gave them safe passage right into Britain 

And found them families so that they could finally fit in. 


The heist took two years to come an end 

The kids that escaped were his to defend 


He raised one million euro for the people in need 

He did it for them, he had no greed 


Knighted by the Queen in 2003 

Because he set hundreds of children free 


Ten thousand people owe their lives to him 

If he hadn't saved them their lives would be grim 


What is the name of whom I shout 

It is Nicholas Winton, the one I'm talking about. 

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